- 软件介绍
- 软件截图
Battery HD Pro(专业电池显示)官方介绍
- 小部件
- 通知栏
- 充电提醒
- 使用说明图表
- 听音乐
- 观看视频
- 电话通话
- 互联网浏览( WIFI / Edge / 3G / 4G )
- 待机
- 剩余充电时间
- 使用LED手电筒时间
- 2D和3D游戏
- 阅读书籍
- GPS导航
- 视频聊天
- 拍照
- 录像
Battery HD Pro(专业电池显示)更新日志
- NEW Optional 3G test (+ long duration tests)
- NEW Graph shows charging in different colors (AC / USB)
- Better standby estimates
- Small visual enhancements
- Fixes glitches on Galaxy Note 2 & Nexus 4
- Over a MILLION hours of calibration tests have already been shared ! Yes that's the equivalent of one device running for 116 years non-stop.
THANKS for helping make this app better ! If you like it, please buy the paid version to show your support :-)